Welcome to our virtual workshop for culinary, homesteading, DIY projects/experiments, corresponding commodities and adventures.
Here you will find hints, random life hacks, and a vast assortment of other ever-evolving insights generated from 42+ collective years of combined experience & global wanderings of two agoristically inclined, Ahimsa-centric holistic wellness & veganic culinary professionals––along with occasional featured contributions from a host of other legendary veganic homesteading & DIY mavericks.

This is not another culinary blog for middle class foodies
Although quite a bit of the intention behind having created this website has been based upon sharing culinary and wellness related content, a fair portion of our posts may often prove to be as politically & philosophically motivated as the fundamental reasoning behind our respective dietary and lifestyle choices.
“No masters, no slaves.” / “Live and let live.” / “Live free or die.”
In consideration of those who align with similar philosophies, this space has been created with such individuals in mind.
Introduction &
Statement of Purpose
Veganarchist Kitchen exists to provide a dedicated forum geared largely toward uniting those who align with principles relating to non-aggression/non-violence (Ahimsa), Natural Law, holistic wellness, natural/herbal healing, homesteading, and DIY inclination from a Genesis 1:29 approach to daily sustenance.
It has since been developed as a dedicated space to showcase and share collaborative efforts between Alex Cave (“Organic Alex”) of organicAlex.com, and Davi (“Lady Ⓥ”) Stardust of Ahimsa Living Wellness (a.k.a. RawVeganista.com), & LORAX Community.
This space is also intended to feature posts from other creators, growers, and homesteaders with whom we resonate in various ways––many of whom we consider to be dear friends, mentors, kindred spirits, extended/spiritual family, and learned elders. We are so grateful to these amazing innovators, prodigies, and masters in all of their own respective crafts for sharing their knowledge and experiences with us, thus feel incredibly honoured to share them with our beloved readers through our dedicated online sanctuary.
United, we are a community of seekers, philosophers, healers, pioneers, developers, consultants, and practitioners of various modalities for navigation and co-existence in healthful abundance with others who resonate with similar intentions.
“Bright ideas grow where compassion flows.”