Organic Alex

Alex is a plant based nutritional chef and certified holistic health coach based in Colchester, England. He is a talented creator of innovative, delectable, comforting, nourishing meals and treats which appeal to a wide range of palates.

Many of his fresh, organic ingredients are sourced from small, local growers and fellow artisans within his neighbouring vicinity. He also acts as a mindful and steadfast steward to a lush garden, which thrives with a vast abundance of veganically cultivated fruit & veg.

Despite having received notable certifications in nutrition & health coaching quite a number of years ago, Alex has continued to practise his culinary craft as part of his ongoing, dutiful service to a steadfast community of ardent connoisseurs of organic, plant-centric, and raw food delights.

As of Summer of 2023, Alex began to transition his business model by way of planning, hosting, and catering events on a far more selective basis––with aim to focus the majority of his efforts and attentions toward provision of unique, individualised services and workshops as a qualified health and wellness coach. As of 2024 he is finally prepared to realise this dream of welcoming new clients who are eager and prepared to fulfil their own dreams of living their very best lives in their very best health. He also offers assistance with plant based dietary transitioning, teaches cookery/raw food preparation, and offers sacred space for various workshops & holistic wellness retreats.

His healthful innovations, ardent enthusiasm, and kind disposition best allow him to help others in reaching their goals to achieve optimum health through a personalised diet and detox programme––along with ongoing mentorship and support.

Please visit him at to learn more about his work, book a consultation, or simply say hello!
